Recruiting & Retention
Connecting With Colleges
Connecting with Colleges
There are plenty of reasons a business should connect with local Colleges and universities – the most obvious reason is finding talented employees. Developing a good connection with local colleges gives businesses the opportunity to learn about an applicant before hiring, learn more about the programs of study offered, and understand what the students know about their field of study before entering the workforce.
It might seem obvious to connect with the dean of a college, but an even better idea is to get to know the professors in the departments with which you are interested. Professors more often work one-on-one with students much more than the dean (who is a very busy person) does, and will be able to tell you more about an applicant – possibly even suggest someone for you that, not only will have the skill sets you are looking for as an employee, but also how that particular student would fit within your company culture.
Another benefit to connecting with colleges is developing an internship program. You benefit from getting to know a candidate and see how they work, and your intern benefits from real-world working experience. Read more about running a successful internship here.
To connect your business with local colleges, visit the following links: