I-Awards & Employer of Choice Awards

2024 I-Awards & Employer of Choice Awards

We are now accepting nominations for our esteemed I-Awards and Employer of Choice Award. These awards recognize exceptional innovation and outstanding workplace practices among for-profit and non-profit organizations in Benton, Sherburne, and Stearns counties.

Over the past 12 years, 62 organizations have been honored with I-Awards for their creative contributions that have made a significant impact locally and globally. The GSDC defines innovation for its I-Awards as a new product, service, practice, technology, or business model that offers a fresh solution to a challenge, has been implemented, enhances stakeholder experience, and adds value or generates revenue for a business or organization.

Introduced in 2023, the Employer of Choice Award acknowledges an employer that is highly sought after and prioritizes the well-being and happiness of both their employees and customers. This award recognizes companies that attract and retain top talent by offering a desirable work culture and environment.

Each recipient will receive a $1,000 award.

Use the links below to submit nominations/applications by July 26, 2024.   

2023 GSDC I Award Winners

Blattner Company (For-Profit Award) –

Blattner recently launched a leader onboarding program to accommodate workforce growth to match the increased demand for renewable energy.

NETTwork Manufacturing (For-Profit Award) –

NETTwork’s EMS Socket System is a revolutionary solution for below the knee prosthetic socks.

GREAT Theatre (Non-Profit Award) –

GREAT’s Annual Youth Artist Project exposes high school students to the variety of roles and career opportunities in theatre.


Big Brothers Big Sisters (Non-Profit Award) –

In partnership with the St. Cloud School District 742 and Granite Partners, BBBS started the BIG Partners Initiative, which was created to strengthen educational, college, and career opportunities for students facing barriers.

Inaugural Winner – Employer of Choice – PCI

Preferred Credit, Inc.- PCI has an impressive employee retention rate and long-standing tenure, coupled with strong leadership, engaged and diverse workers, and a wide array of benefits that set them apart from competitors.