Greater St. Cloud JobSpot

Workforce and Business Resources

Find Talent

Looking to hire or develop talent in the Central Minnesota region? We’ve got you covered with our extensive employer resources.

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Diversity in the Workforce

St. Cloud is a diverse place to live, play, and work. Learn how to engage a diverse workforce.


Recruitment & Retention

Looking to hire or develop talent in the Greater St. Cloud region? From connecting with local colleges to understanding the area job board, we’ve got you covered with our extensive employer resources.

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Employer Resources and Services

We have a variety of employer resources and services to help you find your next all-star employee!


Networking 101: Learning to Communicate Effectively

Your pocket is filled with business cards, which, at the moment, seem to be excessively weighing you down. You’re still trying to figure out how you got your name tag to stick to your blazer considering how sweaty your hands are. You’d like to adjust it for the...

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Employers: Are you REALLY reading the resume?

As a recruiter for a large organization for many years, it became so easy to breeze over the resumes in under 10 seconds focusing only on specific skills, experiences or traits while quickly discarding the rest. Fast forward a few years and things have really changed....

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Snag a top notch intern!

Opportunities are the key to success. By welcoming and providing opportunities for our aspiring leaders, we play an integral part in encouraging students to consider careers locally versus leaving the region. There is no doubt there is some skin in the game for you as...

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